Monday, 01 April 2024 00:05

Independence Message 2023: It’s time to empower youth- BYDC

Written by Barbados Youth Development Council
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President of the Barbados Youth  Development Council (BYDC) Caleb Brathwaite wants young people to have a greater say in the national decision-making process.  He made a strong case for Government to do more to empower youth.

Below is the full text of the  BYDC’s message:


Fellow Barbadians, fellow young people Happy Independence Day!

As loyal sons and daughters all, this Independence Day, as we reflect on how far we have come as a country, we have much to celebrate, but at the same time, as I seek to hereby make it known, we also have a lot to prioritize, that of youth development. It must be noted that it was only three years later, after becoming independent, this country established a National Youth Council, the Barbados National Youth Council, now called the Barbados Youth Development Council (BYDC) which is the oldest continuous National Youth Council in the Caribbean as well as Latin America and the fourth oldest National Youth Council in the world.

However, 54 years later, we must get serious as a country as it relates to prioritizing youth development. The National Youth Policy must be passed in Parliament and reflect the three pillars of youth development, that of a well-resourced National Youth Council (Barbados Youth Development Council), an effective and functioning Youth Parliament and thirdly, an independent and effective National Students’ Union comprising a Barbados’ Secondary Schools Students’ Association & Tertiary Institutions Students’ Association. It is with that said, youth inclusion would not only be talked about and little to be seen, but young people would have a holistic voice in decisions that ultimately affect us.

With expectations great, it is my hope, that Government would take the stance and outline, legislatively, that no young person in this country should be subjected to unpaid internships and if paid, must be commensurate to the hours worked among other injustices young people face daily that must be rectified with haste, that there would be more emphasis placed on digital skills where we become a technologically advanced society, that innovative solutions are at the forefront of decision making, this I call for, this Independence Day and greater will our nation grow.


Read 500 times Last modified on Monday, 01 April 2024 12:14